بدیعه السادات حسن پور

دانشیار گروه مهندسی معماری

موسسه آموزش عالی صنعتی مازندران



سوابق آکادمیک

• دانشیار, دانشکده معماری, دانشکاه مدیترانه شرقی, قبرس شمالی

• دوره فرصت مطالعاتی در دانشگاه Northumbria University، آکادمی BIM، اسکاتلند، انگلیس.

• دکترای مهندسی معماری از دانشگاه ملی مالزی (UKM)

• کارشناسی ارشد مهندسی معماری از دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی واحد تهران مرکز.

• کارشناسی مهندسی معماری از دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی واحد تهران مرکز.


 فارغ‌التحصیل رتبه اول در مقطع کارشناسی

 اخذ پذیرش در مقطع دکتری با بورس از دانشگاه ملی مالزی (PhD full grant)

 دفاع از تز دکتری با درجه عالی

 آکادمی BIM , گروه مهندسی ساختمان, دانشگاه نورث اومبریا, اسکاتلند ,انگلیس – فرصت مطالعاتی

سوابق کاری :

مارچ ۲۰۲۴- ۲۰۲۱ دانشیارگروه معماری، دانشکده معماری، دانشگاه مدیترانه شرقی، قبرس شمالی

سپتامبر ۲۰۱۳- ۲۰۲۰ استادیارگروه معماری، دانشکده معماری، دانشگاه مدیترانه شرقی، قبرس شمالی

۲۰۱۰-۲۰۱۲ دستیار آموزشی و پژوهشی، دانشگاه کبنگسان مالزیUKM

۱۳۸۵-۱۳۸۸ مدرس پاره وقت موسسه آموزش عالی صنعتی مازندران

۱۳۸۵-۱۳۸۸ مدرس پاره وقت، مؤسسه آموزش عالی طبری، مازندران،

دروس تدریس شده

کارشناسی ارشد کارشناسی

• توسعه‌های پایدار

• کارگاه‌های بین‌رشته‌ای

• مجموعه رویکردهای نوین در آموزش معماری

• استودیوی طراحی کارشناسی ارشد ۱ و ۲

• پروژه فارغ‌التحصیلی کارشناسی ارشد معماری • عوامل انسانی واجتماعی-فرهنگی در طراحی

• مسائل اکولوژیکی در معماری

• فرآیند طراحی شهری

• تاریخ ونظریه معماری

• مقدمه‌ای بر فناوری طراحی

• ساختمان ومتریال

• تمامی استودیوهای طراحی

• پروژه فارغ‌التحصیلی

دروس کارآموزی وطراحی و ساخت پروژه در مقیاس کامل

پروژه های عملی تابستانی: طراحی و ساخت با چوب

بیومیمیک وتفکر طراحی پارامتریک : طراحی ونصب غرفه سال نو

Collaborative Studio همکاری در اتلیه طراحی

• UNStudio در آمستردام و آتلیه طراحی دکتر حسن پور برای دانشجویان کارشناسی ارشد

• BIM Studio ، همکاری به عنوان سرپرست تز دکترا

فعالیت های پژوهشی

مقالات ژورنال منتخب

1. Yahya, N., Hassanpour,B. (2022). A Methodical Framework for Sustainable Architectural Design: Housing Practice in the Middle East. Land 2022, 11(7), 1019; https://doi.org/10.3390/land11071019. Social Science Citation Index. Q2, Impact Factor: 4.0.

2. Hassanpour, B., (2023). Transformational Contribution of Technology to Studio Culture: Experience of an Online First-Year Architecture Design Studio during the COVID-19 Pandemic. International Journal of Architectural Research. https://doi.org/10.1108/ARCH-12-2021-0328, Arts and Humanities Citation Index. Q1, Impact Factor: 3.10.

3. Hassanpour, B., Sahin.P,N. (2021). Technology Adoption in Architectural Design Studio for Educational Activities. (2021). Journal of Technology, Pedagogy and Education – https://doi.org/10.1080/1475939X.2021.1897037, Social Science Citation Index. Q1, Impact Factor: 4.9.

4. Abdullah, H.K; Hassanpour, B., (2021) Digital design implications: a comparative study of architecture education curriculum and practices in leading architecture firms, International Journal of Technology and Design Education https://doi.org/10.1007/s10798-019-09560-2. Social Science Citation Index. Q1, Impact Factor: 2.40.

5. Hassanpour, B., Alpar,A.R., Ghadri,S. (2017).From Words to Action: Incorporation of Sustainability in Architectural Education. Journal of Sustainability.Vol:9.1790. Doi:10.3390/su9101790- Social Science Citation Index. Q1, Impact Factor: 4. 0.

6. Hassanpour, B., Che-Ani, A.I., Pasaoglu,S.N., ChavoshianTabrizi,S.A. Flash card set as rehearse tool for architecture students. Open House International Journal. V.43 No.4 2018- Social Science Citation Index. Impact Factor: 1.10

7. Fasli, M., Hassanpour, B. (2017). Rotational Critique System as a Method of Culture Change in an Architecture Design Studio: Urban design studio as case study. Journal of Innovations in Education and Teaching International. Vol: 54. No.03. pp194-20. Routledge Journals, Taylor & Francis, England. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/14703297.2016.1174142- Social Science Citation Index. Q1, Impact Factor: 1.80

8. Hassanpour, B., A.I. Che-Ani. (2015). Transparent Assessment Model in Architecture Design Studio at Eastern Mediterranean University as Case Study, Open House International Journal, 40:2. pp37- 43. Social Science Citation Index. Impact Factor: 1.10

9. Hassanpour,B., Che-Ani, A. I.,(5)., (2015). Lifelong Learning in Architectural Design Studio: The Learning Contract Approach. Canadian Center of Science and Education, International Education Studies; Vol. 8, No. 1; 2015: ISSN 1913-9020 E-ISSN 1913-9039.

10. Osman, M.M., Hassanpour, B. (2015). A study on African vernacular mosque: A lesson from tradition. Applied Mechanics and Materials Vol. 747. pp 157-160, Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland. https://doi.org/10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMM.747.157

11. Ibrahim, N.L.N., Utaberta, N. & Hassanpour, B, (2012). Rasch Modeling Analysis in Assessing Student`s Ability and Questions Reliability in Architecture Environmental Science Examination. Journal of Applied Sciences Research 8(3):1797-1801.

12. Utaberta, N., Hassanpour, B., Surat,M. Tawil, N. M., Che-Ani, A.I.(2012). Architecture from Teaching to Learning to Practice: Authentic learning Tasks in Developing Professional Competencies. International Science indexVol:6 2012-07-29: pp515-518.

13. Hassanpour, B., Utaberta, N., Zaharim, A. & Abdullah, NAG. (2011). Students` Perception of the Evaluation System in Architecture Studios, International Journal of Social, Management, Economic and Business Engineering Vol:5 N:5, pp71-77.

14. Hassanpour, B., Integrating strategies and solutions to achieve sustainable urban development by Chitgar lake in Tehran, International journal of Rah o Sakhteman – Road and Construction 8 (69), 90-98. https://www.magiran.com/volume/54418 published out of my master’s thesis

Conference Papers: کنفرانس ها

15. Yayha, N., Hassanpour, B. 2022. Restorative housing: a model for a future home in Erbil City. In proceedings of the international Conference on Business, education, technology& Science. University of Oxford. Oxford, UK.

16. Hassanpour, B. (2021) Inexperience as an asset to be exploited: Zero budget design and built practice. Phenomenological Aspects in Architecture and Civil engineering (PACE 2021).

17. Nikanjam, S., Hassanpour, B., (2016). Exploration of influential Factors on First Year Architecture Students’ Productivity. International journal of social, Behavioural, Educational, Economic, Business and Industrial Engineering Vol: 10 No.05. Pp1538-1543 (Conference paper selected for Journal)

18. Hassanpour,B., A.I. Che-Ani, N.M. Tawil, S. Johar (2014). “Learning Contract in Architecture Design Studios”. Computers & Technology in Modern Education: The 5th WSEAS International Conference on Education & Educational Technologies (EET14). Renaissance Hotel, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 23-25 Apr 2014. pp. 136-140. ISBN 9789604743698.

19. Hassanpour, B., A.I. Che-Ani, N.M. Tawil, S. Johar. (2014). Nonlinearity as a Design Characteristic or an Educational Method in Critique Sessions. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Education and Educational Technologies (EET ’14), P:34-38. ISBN: 978-960-474-369-8

20. Utaberta, N., Hassanpour, B. & Che-Ani. A.I. & Tawil, N.M. (2012). Gender based analysis of students’ participation in architecture design studios. Kongres Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran UKM 2012 – Seminar Pendidikan Kejuruteraan dan Alam Bina.

21. Utaberta, N., Hassanpour, B., Handryant. A.N., Che-Ani, A.I.Tawil, N.M. (2012). Computer based analysis in the design process for the second-year design studio universiti Kebangsaan malaysia. Kongres Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran UKM 2012 – Seminar Pendidikan Kejuruteraan dan Alam Bina.

22. Utaberta, N., Hassanpour, B., (2012). Aligning assessment with learning outcome, Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences Volume 60, 17 October 2012, Pages 228-235https://doi.org/10.1016/j.sbspro.2012.09.372. published by Elsevier.

23. Hassanpour, B., Utaberta, N., Abdullah, N., Spalie, N. & Tahir, M.M. (2011). Authentic Assessments or Standardized Assessment New Attitude to Architecture Assessment. 3rd World Conference on Educational Sciences, WCES-2011; Istanbul (Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences).

24. Hassanpour, B., Utaberta, N., Tahir, M. & Spalie, N. (2010). Developing Sustainable Approach in Architecture Education. 3rd International Graduate Conference on Engineering, Science, and Humanities (IGCESH 2010) -Sustainability for the Green Society Through Creativity and Inovation, UTM-Skudai, Johor.

Book/ Book chapters/ Commentary

1. Hassanpour, B. (2013). Reconstructing a Pedagogical Framework for Critique Session “Toward Sustainable Architecture education”. Lambert Academic Publishing, ISBN: 978-3-659-34897-6.

2. Hassanpour, B. A comparative study on traditional design process with computer based; Second Year Design Studio in National University Malaysia (UKM) as Case Study, Advances in intelligent and soft computing: Emerging computation information technologies for education. Book Chapter

3. Hassanpour, B. (2021). Not in the place where it is expected to be, Letraset Internal Magazine, EMU press, pp3-6. https://arch.emu.edu.tr/en/design-research/letraset

پایان نامه ها


1. Nagham Ismael Yahya, 4 years, PhD. August 2022. Eastern Mediterranean University. Redefining methodical design strategies toward sustainable design in Housing projects –Case of Erbil.

کارشناسی ارشد

1. Seyed Alireza Chavoshian Tabrizi. M.Sc. February 2015. Eastern Mediterranean University. Introducing a Design Creativity Flash Card Tool for Students of Architecture.

2. Shima, Nikanjam. M.Sc. February 2016. Eastern Mediterranean University. Exploring Teaching and Learning Factors influence on Architecture Students’ Form creation: Introductory design studio at EMU as case study.

3. Soheil Ghaderi. M.Sc. July 2016. Eastern Mediterranean University. Integration of sustainability in architecture Education: EMU as case study.

4. Reihaneh, Shamsabadi. M.Sc. Oct2016. Eastern Mediterranean University. A Discussion on Space Quality Analysis in Educational Building: Northern Cyprus as case study”.

5. Omid Mansoori. M.Sc. June 2017. Eastern Mediterranean University. Investigation of Architectural factors on design of kindergartens.

6. Mohammed Babiker Alkehinde. M.Sc. Jan2018. Eastern Mediterranean University.

7. Decoding the post-analysis stage in Design process: Proposing a Framework of Form Synthesis Strategies.

8. Mahshid Modabber Dabagh.M.Sc. February 2019. Eastern Mediterranean University. Curriculum Analysis of Architecture program: Standard curriculum of Iran and architecture program at EMU as Case studies.

داوری پایان‌نامه‌ها


1. Sardar Shareef, Teaching and Learning Technical courses in Architectural Education. Feb 2021

2. Fatemeh Dolatyari Azar, Flipped learning approach in non-studio courses of interior architecture Education. June 2022

کارشناسی ارشد

1. Atta Chokhachian, M.s.” Studies on Architecture design procedure a framework for parametric design thinking”. February 2014.

2. Ali Najafi. Ms.” Questioning Legibility at Street Scale: The case of Ismet Inonu Boulevard in Gazimagusa”, February 2016.

3. Ameen Mokhles Youns, M.s.” A systematic analysis of formative design ideas of Zaha Hadid”. February August 2017.

راهنمای پروژه‌های فارغ‌التحصیلی – طراحی

Bachelor’s degree theses (graduation project) کارشناسی

موضوع: مرکز اکتشاف و تفریح اسکله در فاماگوستا

Subject: Exploration & Recreation center in Famagusta historical port

12 Students: Noor Al Yaseen, Salem Bader*, Majd Arab, Shene Aziz, Husam Batniji, Ali Muhammad Jaliawala, Balqees Ahmad, Ahmad Zoabi, Enis Aykol, Ezgi Dicle Meral, Dirar Azizi, Noor Alderson.

2019 ـ بهار _Archiprix Türkiye پروژه برگزیده در*

پایان نامه طراحی کارشناسی ارشد

M.Arch (Master of architecture graduation project)

موضوع: مرکز توانبخشی در لفکه، قبرس

Subject: Rehabilitation center in Lefke, Cyprus

این سایت دارای شرایط منحصر به فردی است، زیرا دارای درجات مختلف آلودگی ناشی از تخلیه نامناسب ودفع زباله های معدن مس می باشد. فلذا، لازم بود که تهمیدات ویژه ای جهت توانبخشی خاک و پوشش گیاهی زمین اندیشیده شود.

15 students: Students: Dana Amro*, Abed Hamzeh*, Yazeed Abubakar, Salimat Bakare, Farida Aminu, Johensel Dean*; Fabod Fathi Younesi*, Larry Lanzema, Bazla shahid, Semayit Amaha Gebreamlak, Khadidja Mousa Abakar, Aliyu Zahraddeen Imam.

چهار پروژه در سپتامبر ۲۰۲۰ در رقابت پروژه‌های دانشجویی با عنوان «جایزه استعداد جوان در معماری» ثبت شده‌اند.

*Four projects are listed in, Students project Competition “Young Talent Architecture Award”. September 2020. Please see: https://arch.emu.edu.tr/en/programs/march-master-of-architecture-without-thesis/2019-20-fall-semester

کنفرانس‌ها و سخنرانی‌ها

1. Keynote, (2021). “Inexperience as an asset to be exploited: Design and Built practices”. Phenomenological Aspects in Architecture and Civil engineering (PACE 2021). Organized by Universiti Putra Malaysia.

2. Invited speaker, (2022). “Advocacy of cultural evolution in architecture: critical overview of architectural education experience”, SMEER Research Center, Karlstad University, Sweden, https://www.kau.se/smeer/aktuellt/seminarier

3. Presenter, (2022). “Restorative housing: a model for future home in hot Climate”. International Conference on Business, education, technology& Science. University of Oxford. Oxford, UK.

4. Secretariat of International conference – Unspoken Issues in Architectural Education– Chapter 2 (UIAE 2022), Famagusta, Cyprus. https://architecturaleducation2022.emu.edu.tr/en/committees

5. Organizing committee, International conference – Unspoken Issues in Architectural Education– Chapter 2 (UIAE 2022), Famagusta,Cyprus. https://architecturaleducation2022.emu.edu.tr/en/committees

6. Scientific committee, (2023). International Livable Environment and Architecture Congress: “LivenARCH Congress-VIII: Re/De/Generation(s) in Architecture” which will be held in September 27-29, 2023, organized by Karadeniz Technical University, Department of Architecture, Trabzon-Turkey. https://www.livenarch.org/index.php

7. Scientific committee, (2024). 10th International Conference on New Trends in Architecture and Interior Design (10th ICNTAD’24), to be held in Budapest, Hungary dates between April 19-21, 2024. https://icntadconference.com/committees/

هیئت تحریریه/ مشاوره مجلات بین المللی

1. Editorial board of online Journal of Engineering sciences and technologies (OJEST)- eISSN: 2588-6770. https://www.ojest.ir/editorial.aspx

2. Editorial review board of Smart and Sustainable Built Environment Journal, Emerald publishing. https://www.emeraldgrouppublishing.com/products/journals/editorial_team.htm?id=sasbe

3. ACSA annual meetings and conferences each organized event

4. Reviewer, Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering

5. Reviewer, International Journal of Technology and Design Education

6. Journal of Clear production

7. Editor, Letraset Magazine, Faculty of Architecture, dedicated to students’ publication, Eastern Mediterranean University

8. Jury, V & VI Sand sculpture Festival & Competition, 2014 and 2016, Famagusta

کارگاه‌های برگزار شده

• رهبر کارگاه در نهمین هفته بین‌المللی طراحی قبرس، .2019

• وابستگی متقابل در کار تیمی: آزمایش طراحی در زمینه ارتباطی، قبرس 2019 .

• ژست سبز رهبر کارگاه در پنجمین هفته بین‌المللی طراحی قبرس، مه ۲۰۱۵.

دوره‌های آموزشی

 Open Networked Learning in problem-based learning (ONL242 – 80hrs and for a period of 12 weeks). Organized by Lund University in collaboration with Centre for teaching and learning (UPE) at Karlstad University (KAU) Sweden, certificate issued on 20th December 2024. (For reflections please see: https://www.opennetworkedlearning.se/onl242badiossadat/)

 Higher Education Didactics for Sustainability (HEDS251), Centre for teaching and learning (UPE) at Karlstad University (KAU) Sweden. January 2025.

مسئولیت‌های اجرایی

2019- 2022

مدیر گروه کارشناسی أرشد معماری

March 2020-2022

عضو کمیته آموزش معماری انلاین دانشکده معماری

Oct 2019 – 2022 هماهنگ‌ کننده کمیته برنامه‌های تحصیلات تکمیلی

2018 – 2019

عضو کمیته دکتری (مصاحبه وامتحان جامع)

2015 June/July رئیس کمیته پایه‌ریزی آموزش طراحی در سال اول (دوره‌های مشترک معماری وطراحی داخلی)

عضویت در شوراها وکمیته‌های دانشگاهی

Oct 2014-Oct 2022

Oct 2015-Oct 2016 شورای دانشکده معماری (منتخب توسط رأی‌گیری)

Faculty Council /Faculty of Architecture EMU- Elected by voting

2019-2022 هماهنگ‌کننده کمیته‌های هماهنگی طراحی، مسائل آموزشی و اعتبارسنجی

2021-2022 نویسنده و ویرایشگر گزارشPSER برای هیئت اعتبارسنجی ملی معماری از آمریکا NAAB/SUBSTANTIAL EQUIVALENCY